Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bugs, Full Moon, Babies & Crazies

I'm having a night like my sister! :-) HELP!!! I tried for about an hour & a half to go to sleep tonight but something was always 'wrong'. (mostly that I had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes b/c someone is standing upside down on my bladder) ;-) As I was laying in bed facing the window it was unusually bright! So I looked & saw what I'm pretty sure was a full moon! I was kinda excited, if you've ever worked in medicine or in the ER, you've heard & know that babies & crazies come around on a full moon! I was thinking, OK, Lord, let's be 'crazies' tonight & have this baby! :-) Well, not too long after that I fell asleep, but I woke up around 1:13 & was stumbling though the doorway of our bedroom to go ~ (drum roll, bet you can't guess) to the bathroom when something landed on my hand!!! Well, I did a little dance & screamed & whatever it was left. Then I turned on the hall light & Jonathan asked me what was wrong. He said my scream made his blood go cold! (Sorry, honey!) And then it was on me again!!! I still didn't SEE it but it was there!!! I have no idea what it was but I really think it was probably a cockroach, because Jonathan just killed one last night, & usually where there's 1 there is more! But as I was stumbling in the dark I remember thinking, 'no, I don't want this baby to come tonight ~ I want to sleep!!!'. As I went back to bed & tried to go to sleep the little darling thought it was its turn to do a dance. :-) SMILE!!! And I kept feeling 'bugs' on me!!! So, I'm up now for a little while with a glass of peach crystal light & ice trying to get sleepy enough that I won't have trouble going back to bed!! :-)
Other than all this, my week has been pretty much uneventful. Last weekend we just hung out here ~ Jonathan spent Friday evening & ALL DAY Saturday working on the 4-Runner. Sunday was a good day, went to church, ate, & slept! :-) Monday, Jonathan had to work & since in South Texas they barely consider Memorial Day a holiday, there was nothing to do. Not even a parade!! They even have school at the public schools. But when Jonathan got off work, Jeremy came over & built a fire & grilled beef fajitas. We also had potato salad & chips. Not the typical Memorial Day meal(if you're from PA!) but it was good & fun! Then we all hung out & listened to story on CD.
Kylie is improving her walking skills!! She'll want to let go of your hand & then sometimes she'll get 3 or so steps in before falling. She has gotten really good at climbing up onto the couch! The other day she did a nose dive off the couch, looked up & said 'owe' & kept on playing! It was very funny!! She's also started 'talking' in rambling baby talk sentences! She'll mix tons of HER words together & its so fun to watch because she looks at you like she's really trying hard to get her point across.
Today we got the box from my mom with the new pack n' play! So, maybe tomorrow we can get the kids room fixed up. I have another appointment with the midwife ~ so we'll see what she says.
Well, I think I'm gonna head back to bed & try to get some sleep! My eyes are starting to burn so that's a good sign! Have a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

sankey family said...

Renee, I'm remembering those "last days" before the births of my boys - they seem to drag on forever. The not being able to get up from a lying position because it feels like someone is pushing the other way, the NEEDing to get up for the constant trips to the bathroom, the effort it takes to bend over and pick up something and I always had the "dropsies" - I couldn't hold onto anything and was constantly trying to bend over that belly to pick up whatever it was - sometimes a couple little 19 month old and 3 year old boys who still needed and wanted Mama. These days will pass, believe me, but sometimes that's hard to believe - I remember.

Will be watching for the news!
