Friday, March 23, 2007

Mouse (X3) in my House!

Cute little rhythm I know -- not for me! Mice are the WORST creature ever made, OK, so they rank neck & neck with a roach. But at least I can kill a roach. Ok, here's the story ~ several weeks ago we kept hearing scratching in our bedroom walls, there wasn't a lot we could do about it then, because we didn't know how to catch it when it was in the wall. Well, just last week Jonathan found evidence of it in the kitchen cupboard, so we said when we went to walmart we'd get some traps. Ok~with him working so much this week, we never made it to walmart~until last night!!!!! Jonathan came home & we ate supper & he still wasn't feeling very good (he's been sick all week too) so he went to lay down...I went back to the kitchen to start cleaning up when I saw this mouse scurry across my counter! I went running back to the bedroom & told him he had to get up & get rid of it, and I was going to walmart right then to get traps...Kylie was sleeping & so I went - when I came back to the kitchen to get ready to leave it was on my STOVE!!!!!!!!! I was so upset -- (yes, & when you're pregant EVERYTHING is BIGGER!!). Anyway -- to make a longer story short - we got 1 mouse last night. And 2 this morning! Hopefully, thats the end of them! So, today I must clean my kitchen, armed with gloves & bleach! I can't even walk out there without feeling sick to my stomach! I'm even half sick writing this!! Sorry, no pictures of the adventrues...Jonathan wanted to know if I wanted pics for the blog -- I was like NO!!!! Of couse, he thought this whole thing was great fun! Alright, I won't write about a boring week again! :-) For real, today I'll try to get some picturues of Kylie on here. I was gonna take some yesterday & the batteries were all dead for the camera.
Have a great day!

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