Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hot water heater & Chili's!

Good evening ~ Yesterday we woke up to 36 degrees! As Jonathan was getting ready for work, he came & ask me what was wrong with the hot water. I remembered then, that Sunday when I was doing the dishes the water just wasn't as hot as normal. He had to leave so he couldn't look at it then. He called us about 11AM & wanted to know if Kylie & I would come to Chili's for lunch with him & his work partner for the day. (He is an ECA & works for an ambulance company.) Of course, I said YES! So we had a fun lunch. Kylie just likes to look around at everyone & try to get our food. She makes the craziest sound when she wants food that you have to give it to her because its so annoying & cute at the same time! LOL She had just eaten two jars of HER food & wanted mine! Her eyes got so big & she got so excited when she saw my plate of cheeseburger & fries! The rest of the day we did stuff at home. Kylie slept a lot yesterday, so I was able to get some paper work caught up. And also helped mom get Becka's plane tickets to go to PA in April for her Spring Break. (Which, overlaps the time that we'll be there!!!) Oh, back to the hot water heater ~ Jonathan got home around 9PM & went right to the office to check it out because it was driving him nutz all day that it was broke! He opened it up & there was a reset button and (drumroll!!~) we had hot water! I'm so thankful for hot water! I never thought much about it before, but yesterday I did! This morning I totally enjoyed my hot shower! We ate a late supper of potatoes, eggs, & tortillas & went to bed! He was off work today so we relaxed in the morning & then went to town & did some errands. He fixed a computer for a family from our church so we took it back to them & visited for a few hours! Kylie had a great time & didn't take a nap. When we got home around 7 tonight she was too tired but didn't want to sleep! She just woke up now so I am changing her clothes & giving her a bottle & putting her back to bed! I'm ready to go to sleep too! Tomorrow I have to go to McAllen, to pick up Kylie's 8 month pictures at Sears, so maybe we'll make a afternoon of being in town & go to the thrift store too! Good night!

Coloring at Chili's!

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