Monday, March 5, 2007

January Newsletter

Hi friends! I'm going to try to keep up with this website better than the other one we had. This seems easier to update so hopefully it'll work better! Below is our January Newsletter ~
Dear Friends,Chilly winter greetings from the long lost Springers in Texas! Yes, I said chilly. It's been quit cold here lately. Mostly in the 60's & low 70's in the daytime and lower during the night. I'm ready for summer again! I'm sure you thought we totally forgot about you all, but we didn't. Our lives have been quite busy the past few months. A lot of changes and things we don't understand but God is still God and we are still holding to His promises, and that He will bring us though! I believe the last time I wrote it was the end of June. In July we were privileged to have Jonathan's family and my family come to visit us to met Kylie! We enjoyed both visits greatly. At the end of July we made the much anticipated trip to Salamanca for the church dedication. It was a wonderful weekend. God's presence was so real and it was so encouraging to see the people there open to what God would have for their lives. On our way back out here on Monday we stopped over in Villa Mainero for the annual camp meeting. It was good to visit with friends, be in the services, and eat lots of beans! In August Jonathan started taking the ECA (Emergency Care Attendant) class here in Texas. Since we were not able to raise all our needed support, we had been praying what God wanted us to do about Jonathan getting a job. One day our neighbor just asked him if he wanted a job with his ambulance company. Jonathan told him yes,and he started the class in the middle of August. It was only 6 weeks long and it gave him some more medical training which will be useful later in Mexico and gave him the ability to be able to work while we are out here. It is not something he plans to do forever, but God opened it up and we walked though the door. He has been able to speak with several co-workers about their need of Salvation. Please help us pray for these two people that God will continue to deal with their hearts. The one man, Omar, his 2 year old daughter is very sick with a terminal illness. Pray that God will help Omar & his wife to accept Him as their Saviour so they can have the hope of seeing their daughter again. Omar brings his Bible to work sometimes and he and Jonathan have been able to talk about spiritual things on several occassions. The other man's name is Lorenzo.In the month of September, we were privileged again to take another trip. This time to Hobe Sound, FL. A missionary here sold his van to a church over there and we delivered it to them! It was a fun, exciting, and tiring trip but it was worth it. We got to spend about 4 days with my sister, who is attending college there. We also were able to see my cousins who live 2 hours north in Daytona Beach and visit the Kennedy Space Center.We've had some other changes - for starters our address. If you have sent us mail to the Jose Portillo Rd. address and it was returned, I'm sorry. The post office is supposed to forward it to our PO Box but I know of a few times that they have not. We were having a lot of trouble with the carrier out here so we decided to get a PO Box in town. The new address is at the top of this page. The other change is that the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Johnstown where I grew up, has agreed to put our financial support though them so that you are able to receive a tax deductible receipt from them at the end of the year. If you wish to send your support though them, write the check to Wesleyan Methodist Church. Due to IRS regulations do NOT put our name on the check anywhere. Attach a note stating its for Springers. The address to mail it to is: Wesleyan Methodist Church c/o Ralph Fetzer, 530 Shomo Street, Johnstown, PA 15902. Also, since Jonathan is now working, the money we receive for missions, goes toward paying off our truck so we can sell it to purchase a bigger one, due to our growing family, and any Mexico related expenses. Starting in January 2008 we all have to get a passport to be able to enter back into the USA! This will cost about $300 for all of us. Last week I was able to order the Spanish program though School of Tomorrow. I'm excited to finally be able to get a good background on the Spanish language. Its easy for me to pick stuff up but I'm not good at sentence strucutre and word tenses. So I'm hoping to get much better in those areas. Kylie is growing very fast! She is 7 months old now and very active. She is working on the experiences of crawling and sitting up on her own and feeding herself a bottle. She is also enjoying all the new foods we are feeding her. She does not like the vegetables but we are working on that! She was baby Jesus in the church Christmas program. She did a good job. Better than what I thought! During practices she was silly, laughing & talking, and making all kinds of noise. Then the other kids would laugh at her and she would do it more! But for the program all she did was sit on my lap and suck her thumb! She is very entertaining and helps me to talk to all kinds of people! She is going to be a great asset to our ministry with her outgoing personality! We were not able to be with our families this Christmas but God helped us to have a good day! It had been cold and rainy all weekend and Kylie was getting sick again. (She had bronchitis for about 3 weeks in October). I was laying in bed Sunday night praying for God to let the sun shine on Christmas! We woke up that morning to the sun streaming in the window! It was still quit cold but I'm thankful that he answered my little prayer!We trust you will have a Christ filled 2007! Please continue to pray for us here as we strive to do God's calling! Jonathan, Renee, & Kylie Springer

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