Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was a fun one! We relaxed a little in the morning, then opened presents, cleaned up the mess =) then had a pancake brunch! The kids played for awhile, took naps, then in the afternoon we went to fly Jonathan's plane since it was a really pretty day. Later that night I made chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, & biscuits for supper. We recieved money from our families this year, so I used that to buy the kids a few things to open but most of it went for things they needed like clothes & shoes. They still have some left which is going to go for that kind of stuff whenever they need it again. Which won't be long since they are growing so fast! A a big gift they got was sorta a combined gift from all grandparents! Grandma Lynn gave us the key to Sarah's old playhouse, so I cleaned it a few weeks ago, and with their money from my parents they got a Kitchen set and a table & chairs. We finally got the kitchen set put together New Years Day night, but they were sleeping, so havn't seen it yet. I was wanting to take them to play today but its 50's all day, so that'll have to wait! =(Kylie took her baby (not new) and its seat (new) to bed with her that afternoon. She's thrilled with this gift! She's also getting a stroller for her baby, but Walmart was out of it when I went to get it Christmas Eve, and they still don't have any. So, whenever I find one, she'll get it!Kamryn's favorite part of Christmas was playing with the paper!Korey's tool set

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