Monday, October 27, 2008


Sorry for the lack of blogging here the last few days. I've been extra busy getting everything caught up. It seems when it rains it pours. Kylie & Kamryn have both been extra fussy lately, and I find myself just going between the two of them for a better part of the day! We took Kylie to the peds office tonight and they took another xray. It looks like she has a green stick fracture. If you are not familiar with that, its more bent than snapped in half. He is going to put a cast on Thursday evening and she'll have it for about 4 weeks. Over all she is doing great! She's learning to eat, write and do stuff with her left hand. Also she's getting used to not sucking her thumb, but once in awhile will suck the left one. Korey has been a real trooper though all this. I feel bad, sometimes he gets left out of all the drama that goes on but he's such a happy boy!

I have some pictures but I'm on the wrong computer so I'll try to get those on here tomorrow if I get a chance! I just mostly wanted to thank everyone for their prayers. I could feel them! Kamryn also slept all night the two nights we were dealing with all this. I know that was God! She's not been sleeping though the night again for a few weeks, I think she's going though a growth spurt or something! Well, I'm finished with my late supper, so off to bed I go!


Lori said...

Awww, poor Kylie! Hope everything going well with the cast!

Jill Damon said...

I am so glad you had a nice time with your family, but sorry to hear Kylie broke her arm. I hope she is feeling better soon!