Monday, November 12, 2007

Night time

Bed time has gotten pretty special at our house lately. We've been really trying to have time with the kids at night to read stories & pray. By the way, Kylie does a good job 'praying'. Tonight I asked her to pray for her supper & she folded her hands, bowed her head & prayed for a long time. When she was done she lifted her head and said 'men'! She's been doing lots better in her 'big girl' bed. :-) If she gets up now, she comes to our room.
I was just complaining a few days ago to my mom that she never says 'momma'. Well, she must have read my mind, that's all she says now!!! :-) Jonathan's been putting her to bed since she listens better to him & also she needs that special time with her daddy. (And I need a break!) Well, tonight I had to put them both to bed since Jonathan was working late. I laid Kylie down in her bed with her pooh and her blanket. She kept saying momma momma, I would say "what Kylie?" Then she'd wrap her arms around my head or neck and grunt like she was giving me a BIG hug!! Then she'd say 'night night'! That didn't last long and I was too tired to mess with her, so she went to sleep in her pack n' play tonight. Korey was fussy tonight too. As I was uploading these pictures he finally fell asleep!! So, now I need to go & finish getting Jonathan's supper ready for him & go to bed!! He is off tomorrow, and we are looking forward to having a fun day together! "Night, night" to all!


Beth Stetler said...

Your kids are sooo cute!

Becka said...

Awh will you send me some pictures in the mail like you used to? I don't have any recent pictures to put up in my room. I have to show them off you know. Love ya! Give the kids kisses for me. I about cried, they are getting so big and I'm missing everything!