Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday, Becka!

I know this is early, (her birthday is not until Sunday.) but since I'll be out of town this weekend, I had to put this on today! Hope your day is special, even though you arn't planning anything exciting! :-) Wish we could all be there to help you celebrate, but since that's not possible, here's hoping this birthday is the best you've had!! Happy 22!!!

We love you!

Jonathan, Renee, Kylie & Korey

1 comment:

Becka said...

What a supprise! I thought I was gonna see some pics of the kids since you said make sure to check the blog today and I see my own face and a beautiful birthday wish. Thanks so much. Love you bunches, I'll pray for ya this weekend. XOXO to the kids and you and Jon.