Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kylie & Korey

Here are a few pictures from this week. Again, its been busy, but nothing exciting going on! The most exciting thing probably was that Korey slept 5 hours last night!!! And we went to the Island on Tuesday. Kylie had lots of fun. Her & uncle Joe were 'jumpin' the waves. And she was walking in the surf & played in the sand. She was very hard to get clean but it was fun. Korey beat Kylie's record of getting to the beach! He made it in 7 days, instead of her 10 days. I didn't put him in though, he was sleeping & I didn't feel like having two kids to clean up. His turn will come soon enough! Oh, yesterday we had doctor's appointments for both of them. Kylie's was her year old check up & Korey's was a newborn check up with the pediatrician. They both did good. Kylie got 3 shots, a TB skin test, & they drew blood to check her iron & for lead poisoning. Today I finally had time to dress Korey up in his new outfit from Grandma Lynn. She sent them a box of clothes this week. :-) Kylie got 2 dresses for her birthday & Korey got several outfits. Our neighbor is making us supper tonight, which is very nice!! Joseph leaves tomorrow & then we are without company until July 10th when my parents come for a week! Then we'll really be bored!! :-) Hope every one's week is going good! Korey - 9 days old

Her shirt says "It's my brother's fault"!!

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