Friday, June 15, 2007

Becka is finally here!

Hi! Becka always has adventures - but she is here after another great one. I'm sure she'll be blogging about it in the next few days so check her blog! (the link is to the left). She can tell it all better than I can! :-) But we picked her up last night around 8:30PM (about 4 hours late!) Her & Kylie have been having a good time getting to know each other again. Its only been since April that they saw each other. We had a good day shopping. I decided today was the day! I wanted to get out as much as possible. :-) I was also hoping all the walking would help someone want to come but so far it hasn't. ;-( This weekend would be a great time for it to arrive! :-) We went to Kohl's & Old Navy first & then to Cici's pizza for lunch, after that we went to Sears to get Kylie's 1st birthday pictures taken. Her birthday is not until Wedsday the 20th but I wanted to get these done before the baby came. I'm glad that's over! I won't be getting them done every month anymore. :-) She didn't do as good this time because she was REALLY tired! She had gotten up this morning about 8AM and never took a nap all day! She also walked from Kohl's to Old Navy (if you are from around here, you'll know what I mean). It wasn't just 'right next door'. There are a few stores in between. She wanted down to walk & I didn't want to carry her - so she walked! It was about 3pm until we got her pictures done, & she just wanted to sit & suck her thumb. She would smile a little grin but keep her thumb in there. It was kinda funny. The photographer was having her stand for a few of them & Kylie would just start walking toward her. The one time, she just started walking & talking. It was really cute! I don't think the photographer thought it was too cute right then, but she kept a good attitude! Well, that's about it. I'm going to bed! :-)

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