Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another box!

We received another box from Manga (what Kylie calls my mom) yesterday! It had some fun stuff they could open now and the rest has to wait until their birthdays (sadly in 9 & 10 days ~ my babies are growing up - anyway, I'll get off that before I get too emotional! LOL) Excuse Kylie's messed up hair! We had lots of interuptions this morning and didn't get to that yet! Waiting until mommy opened the box! Kylie kept saying "open box!"

She was thrilled to see inside! At this point it was just packing material! LOL

Korey was happy with his fire truck! He really could have cared less about it all but he did like the truck! That's the important things in life though, right!!

1 comment:

Jill Damon said...

Isn't always nice to get boxes for the kids? I'll be looking forward to their b-day updates!