Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The weekend!

The moutain road

Hi! I'm finally getting around the posting these pictures! We had a great weekend! After a rough start Wednesday & Thursday, everything else went really smooth! We didn't leave the border until 10AM, because we had a lot of trouble Wednesday night with the truck, Jonathan was up til about 1AM getting everything fixed & then we needed to go to Home Depot before we left to pick up somethings John Dykes needed down there. So, we got up around 7:30 and got all our errands done. We were able to stop in Cd. Victoria to visit Grandma Carmen! She is the neighbour lady where Jonathan lived in Cd. Victoria. She was like their grandma, her husband was a 3 star General in the Mexican Army. She fell in love with Kylie!!! And Kylie fell in love with her! We only stayed a little while & I forgot to take pictures. :-( We arrived at Sankey's house around 11PM! It was a long day but for all the stops we made, it was pretty good time & an uneventful trip. The rest of the days were filled with business! It was fun to visit & get to know the Sankeys better. They are an awesome family & really working hard to fulfill the call God has given them. Check out Melodie's blog for more pictures from the weekend. We got back to the U.S. at 12:30AM! I love being in Mexico & I'm ready to go back soon, but there's nothing like the feeling of seeing that American flag flying over the inspection station!! We arrived at our house around 1:30 to find some of the electrical outlets not working. (the office, the living room AC and the washer) We were up til 3AM trying to find the problem. Jonathan finally found it - outside at the meter base. This is not the first time we've had problems with the electric here. Several other times its about caught on fire. We are SO THANKFUL to God for His protection! We were able to get it fixed yesterday & everything should be good as new now. The wire from the breaker box outside to our meter was melted! The main reason is because the old wire was too thin. Jonathan replaced it with thicker wire & it should be able to handle the current now. Well, I need to get back to cleaning & laundry! Helping to sweep!

Kylie eating 'sweaty tacos'! She loved them! Thanks Bro. John!


REJunod said...

So glad you are back!! I missed you guys!! Glad you had a good time too!! Will look forward to seeing you maybe tomorrow night?

Love ya'll

P.S. Hope that's the last of your electrical problems!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! I need to eat some "sweaty tacos" too!

sankey family said...

Great pics - Thanks for coming and for all your help!

mama2ryleigh said...

I am so jealous! ;-) I am glad that you had a good time, though.

By the way, I'm tagging you - check out my blog to see what I mean.