Sunday, August 26, 2007

My week

Good afternoon,
I'm sure alot of you thought something happened to me, but I just havn't had the time this week to be on here. I'll give you a quick recap of our week. Tuesday the kids & I went to the outlet mall! It was so fun. I found both of them an outfit really cheap (less than $10 each) & I also found Jonathan a shirt to match one I bought for Korey for our family Christmas pictures. I was pretty excited about that. Wednesday we just chilled. Kylie was having some attitude problems that made my day not so wonderful. Jonathan came home from work with a migraine headache so we didn't do anything Wednseday evening. We were gonna go to this one Mexican resurant here b/c we have a coupon that's for buy one - get one free & Wednesdays from 4-8 you can get a free kids meal. So all of us could have eating for like $7! Thursday Jonathan was off, but it rained most of the day so we just hung out here until about 3 or 4 o'clock & then went to the mall in Harligen. Yesterday we cleaned out the shed! I bought 18 gallon tots at Walmart & organized the kids clothes by size. And took 4 or 5 garbage bags of clothes to the Thrift Store, and I have 6 Walmart bags of clothes for 2 friends of mine. And they still have tons of clothes!!! We both felt alot better getting rid of that stuff & getting the shed orgainzed at least a little bit.

She's really not drinking out of here. :-) It was empty & she was playing w/ it.!!

Old Navy Babies!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I hope my niece and nephew are doing wonderful!

Unknown said...

They are looking more and more like the Velazquez side of the family.