Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Learning early (too early)

A few days ago, Kylie & Korey made a HUGE mess in their room. Korey (with help I'm sure, but I really do think it was mostly him) pulled all the books off the bookshelf and pulled the plastic drawers over that have their clothes in it. Thankfully he was not hurt and all that happened was the basket on top of the dresses with odds & ends in it fell too. Jonathan had stopped in for lunch and we both went running to see what happened. (3o books hitting the floor make a loud noise!) As we were going to their room, Jonathan said, Kylie what happened? Her response..."Korey did it!!" WOW - how do kids learn those things so early! Of course, we had a good laugh, and then cleaned it all up!


Joshua V. said...

Wow! That is funny! Kylie is learning so young! lol :)

Unknown said...

wow!! and again, i must say that we must have taught her well;)

REJunod said...

It's that "it wasn't my fault" nature that everyone is born with. Adam didn't think twice about blaming Eve, and it's been handed down from there. It's quite funny though!!