Thursday, April 17, 2008

Earn $25 and help missions!

I was a little hestitant to put this on my blog but after praying about it, I decided that it was ok, as long as it had a specific purpose. So, here is the purpose ~ To help missions! As you know our family has been trying to raise the money to get into Mexico for awhile and also my sister is planning a TLC trip to Uganda this summer. So, I am giving her half of the money I earn from this referral program. My half of the money will be put in our families mission account to help us get to Mexico. Now, let me tell you about Revolutionary Money Exchange. This is a REAL bank, member FDIC. =) And its similar to paypal. When you open an account until May 15th, they will give you $25 in your account within 24 hours (mine was there almost instantly). You can then link your regular checking account to this, and have the money transferred there or request them to send you a check in the mail. There is a $2.50 charge to have a check sent to you, but if you just request one for $22.50, your account will balance out to $0. I was not to sure about it when I first saw it but I checked yesterday and my $25 is safely in my checking account!
I can't get the link to publish in this post so it will be on the side bar and if you click and sign up though that one Becka & I will each get $5. I'll post an update below the link to let you know our progress. =) Thanks for your help and enjoy your $25!!

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