Thursday, May 28, 2009

Monthly Budget

To help us in raising the monthly support we need on this deputation tour, we sat down & made out a monthly budget. It is for $2,085 a month. So far we've had 14% of that amount pledged or already has been given! Please help us pray that God will help us to raise the rest of the amount we need. If we can get this amount, Jonathan will not have to come to the US to work very much! I'll keep you all updated on the progress! I personally am praying that this happens very quickly! It means we get to go back to Texas soon & get ready to move into Mexico! I'm loving being up in the 'north country' but, everytime I look at our pictures during a service, I get very homesick!

Also if anyone wants to pledge monthly toward our support, you can email me at A HUGE thank you to those who have already and have already been sending their donations. If you need a tax-deductible receipt, let me know that too, and I can give you the right information for that.

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