Friday, July 4, 2008

Almost a July 4th baby!

Ok, since Wednesday ended up being so routine ~ Thursday was WILD!! Jonathan got called to work, and I had a dr's appointment in the morning, so Uncle "WA" (Joshua) came to babysit Kylie & Korey. (Oh, before I forget, this is too cute: I told Kylie that Wa was coming. She said "Wa coming. Wa Cool!!" ) Since I've been measuring smaller, for the past month I have to spend 20-40 minutes on the monitor so they could track her movement & heart rate. She's always stubborn and won't move too much when I'm there, but eventually, she wakes up and shows them! So, yesterday, she was determined to take a nap! Nothing was gonna change that. =) So, the midwife decided I had to go to Harligen Medical Center to have an ultrasound to check her weight and more monitoring! To make a really long story short, the Dr wanted to induce me today so we almost had a July 4th baby!! But I convinced them that I really didn't want to have this baby yet, if she was not in danger, so they let me come home! She is perfect and moved the whole 2 hours I was there! =) Seriously, though, she could come anytime, so PLEASE, help us pray that she holds off just ONE more week!! My mother in law will be here by Thursday evening, and anytime after that is great!

In other news ~ its raining today! Jonthan is working, so we really didn't have any big 4th of July plans anyway! We are so thankful for the rain!! Its been several months since we've had rain here and everything is so dry. Another plus it makes the temps lower too!

I should go and get some work done! =) I told the nurses, I might be back this weekend, for all the work I want to, but my 'dr husband' wisely vetoed that! =) So, we're just chillin' today! Well, I have a few things I want to get done, but I won't be doing crazy stuff! =)

Hope you have a great 4th!


Anonymous said...

oh man. I'm glad you didn't already have her! I'm gonna start praying she holds off for another week. Check your facebook! I wrote you on there. I miss you. Give my love to everyone. Lates.

sankey family said...

I'll be watching for news!! Wish I could be there with you. Please post pics of her as soon as you can - I'm dying to see.
Love and miss you,