Friday, May 2, 2008

San Antonio Zoo!

Thursday found us on our way to San Antonio! (Ok, maybe I should take that explanation point out of that sentence, we left at 5:30AM, there is NOTHING exciting about that. Smiles!)It was a business trip but we were able to make it a fun family day! We were not able to find a good mechanic shop here in the valley to do the correct work on the 4runner differential part that we needed done, so thanks to a friend, Paul Taylor in San Antonio, we found the 'right' man for the job! Thank you Sil, for taking time out of your busy day to work on it for us. He had it done in about an hour!! Jonathan got it all back together last night and it doesn't make any sounds!! YEAH! And it was a perfect day for the zoo (not too hot, not too cold and a little overcast!) We spent about 4 1/2 hours there and were all very tired when we left, but it was lots of fun! The kids had a great time, petting the goats and seeing the monkeys! Kylie was so fun to have there, she was talking to the animals! She told the monkeys that were playing "nice" (they were getting to rough I guess!!). And then was telling the duck to 'smile' and pretending to take their picture! They have some really neat interactive areas for toddlers there and we had fun exploring those as well. There is also a really nice park around the zoo that you can get a quick tour of by riding the little train. It was a nice way to relax at the end of the 4 hours of walking in the zoo!! We got home around 11:30PM so it was a long day but well worth all the fun we had! I usually don't like pictures of myself, but I wanted my picture with this majestic bald eagle! Most zoos I've been to, the bald eagles are in a cage and they hide so you never see them, right?! These two here were shot in the wild and injured so bad that they were not able to live in the wild anymore so they were brought to the zoo, had their wings clipped so they can't fly anymore and you can see them up close! We were very impressed with their posture! I guess that's the reason its a symbol of the USA! My two favorite guys riding the train! Korey wasn't exactly happy at this point! He fell asleep almost right away on the ride.

Brushing and petting the goats. Kylie would chase them saying 'Mere goat' and Korey was very excited!Playing in one of the interactive areas - her and her daddy crawled though these 'tunnels'! Bouncing around on the water bed in the baby area!


Jill Damon said...

I am glad you all had a fun day at the zoo!

sankey family said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you guys! Love and hugs and kisses, Aunt Becka