Thursday, June 3, 2010


We arrived safely in Texas on Tuesday around 3:00 PM! As much as we didn't want to leave Mexico it was a relief to know we made it safely without any problems! Our kids had some different reactions to being here and I thought I'd share those with you all.

Kylie: "I'm so excited to be in Texas!" and then the next time she says, "I want to go back to Mexico and see our friends. They were sad we had to come to Texas." (She's little mixed up about it all.) She is very happy though and is thrilled to see her toys and dogs!

Korey: We had just barely crossed the border and we told them they were in Texas, he thought about it for a few minutes and then said, "please, please, PLEASE, daddy, take me to Haiti!!!" Yesterday, he was very sad and said, "I won't see Mario ever again." On Sunday we spent the day with our friends in Vera Cruz, during church in the morning, he told Jonathan, "I can't like this church." Jonathan said, Why?, He said "Its not the right place"

Kammy: well, no profound words from her...unless you want to count the screaming that comes from her bed at night. But I'm sure by the time we need to leave to go to Nebraska, she'll be adjusted to Texas! =) So goes the life of a young missionary!

We do have continual praise in our hearts to God for His goodness & mercy in protecting us as we traveled back! There were several close calls with accidents but other than that it was a good trip!

1 comment:

J.R. said...

That's so sweet! Kids are so expressive--and so simple about it! Glad you all made it back to the US safely.