Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Passport Problems

Remember in my last update, I said that we were waiting for Jonathan's passport to come in the mail...well, a few days after that, he got a letter saying that he was denied a passport until he provided them with proof that he was indeed born in Texas! There has been some fruad in this area of birth certificates here in Texas, so I guess when they saw he was born in a clinic, that made someone wonder what was up! The problem is that the documents they are asking for are either impossible to get or very expensive to get! So, he contacted our State Rep, who happens to be a friend of his and asked for his help. He was unable to help since its a federal issue but forwarded all the information to our Congressman, who has someone working on it! Its been a discouragment to us in many ways but we are resting in God's timing and HIS plan! In the mean time, Jonathan has been able to work some and that's helping us, also keeping us busy! We are praying this passport situation is resolved soon and smoothly!

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