Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Almost done!

As you can see by our schedule list on the side bar, we are almost done with our services! I've not counted the total recently but the last time I did it was about 50 or so services we've had! God's been so good to us and helped us, provided so many things we needed: new transmission, new tires, and a host of other things! We are at 28 % of our budget pledged per month! I did a little math the other day, we only need 139 people to pledge $10 a month to finish out our budget!

We are looking forward to getting back to Texas, we have some loose ends to tie up there and then hopefully by January we'll be able to move into Mexico on a more permanent basis! Our first aid kit project is coming along good!

We also were able to apply for our passports last week! That was a big project that was needing to be done and we finally got it done! I have lots of blogging that needs done but I've been working on so many other things, but I'm going to make this a priority this week!

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