Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kylie's plane!

Here is the promised pictures of Kylie's plane! She is so into all this flying stuff - its so funny! She tells everyone about daddy's plane crash (which they have) and fly Kylie's plane. (It crashes too!) It is a real radio control plane that is run off of regular batteries! The best part - it was $11 on clearance at walmart! I'd say we all got the $11 out of it already! =) Here she is 'trying it' (that's what she kept saying, "Kylie try it.") Looks like she got some help from daddy & Korey!
We let Korey hold it since he was crying for it! Doesn't he look like he won a prize!
Surprise ~ even Mommy had to fly it! It was fun after I got the hang of it!

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