Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A day in the garage

While daddy was doing this :

If I would count the HOURS we spent in the garage working on vechicles it would surprise you, I'm sure! But I'm thankful for a great husband who knows how & takes the time to figure out how to keep our trucks running!
The kids were doing this:Getting into mischief! =)
Playing on Aunt Sarah's swingTrying to open the door to the playhouse - but mommy forgot the key

Sittin' so pretty!
daddy's little helper!
BTW, they all slept very good & late this morning!! They should - I chased them around the yard for about an hour!! And yes, my kids have jackets on! It was down in the 60's last night.


sankey family said...

Wow, what's happening? The 60s in the Valley in September? Actually I can believe it because it's about that in Alabama today...feels like fall!
Miss you guys.

Springer Family said...

I know - it seems later. Its in the 80s now though, so as long as the days are still nice...and I'm SURE this is temporary! =) (At least I hope so - I like the warm weather!) The coolness is just nice for a change. Enjoy fall in the north!