Friday, October 24, 2008


Eating ceral with daddy after we got home from the hospital

I'm taking a break from vacation pictures, to let you know Kylie broke her arm. She fell when we were in PA, but we thought it was ok then, b/c she was still using it. But tonight she fell on it again when she triped over her own feet. And it just wasn't looking right, so we took her. After a not so good ER visit for me and Jonathan (I'll spare you the details, but if you live in South Texas, don't go to KNAPP ER), Kylie did great and they splinted it. She was not happy with it on. She keeps asking us to take it off, but we have to take her to an orthopedic Dr soon. I just want to publicly thank the Lord everything went smoothly (for the most part!) Special thanks to Pastor Mike for all his encourgment and prayer! One of the worst and probably the hardest thing for her is that that is the thumb she sucks.


Maresa said...

poor little thing!!! I am so sorry for everything you all have had to go through. It's so hard to see your child go thing discomforts. I hope all goes well at the ortho. doctors. Skyler broke his arm when he was just two. In the hottest part of Summer. He was miserable!! That made everyone miserable. Can you imagine? We were still without air too. I'll be thinking and praying for her.

sankey family said...

Poor Kylie..hopefully everything heals well.

Unknown said...

Haha, WOW!! what an impressive cast, Im going to have to come down and sign in for her:) Well, Im glad that it wasnt worse.... Tell her I said hi:)