Thursday, May 15, 2008

More adventure from the Springer zoo!

If you've been reading my blog since I started it, you'll remember that I HATE critters and somehow they LOVE me and my house! They all think they are welcome here, but really they are not!! =) We had some other vistors who we turned out into the heat last night...BIRDS!!

For a few weeks, I'd been noticing my dryer wasn't getting clothes dry in the time that it used to. We'd check it and it'd be hot but it would take 2 or 3 times longer to get things dry. This was puzzeling, but since the weather's been great lately, I started hanging stuff outside and only drying things that I needed right away. Last night, I put Jonathan's uniforms in there since he had to work today and it started to smell like something was burning. (We had some smells the day before when I started to dry something so I turned it off and Jonathan looked at it and couldn't find anything) But last night it was bad, so I called him to come smell AGAIN, well, he pulled the hose off the vent and this is what he pulled out...
A birds nest!! It was totally blocking the dryer vent. It was complete with 3 eggs!!
Jonathan wanted to keep them and heat them til they hatched but this zoo keepers wife was not impressed with that idea, so they got thrown in the trash! :)


sankey family said...

Oh my goodness! Yeah, I wouldn't be too much in favor of "home-hatching" those eggs, but my boys would!

Jill Damon said...

Maybe I should check for a nest in my dryer. It isn't drying as well as it use to.